Twenty years ago, an inexplicable mass suicide occurred in the millionaire
Yang household. The entire clan hung themselves at the exact same hour,
place, and height. Only one member survived. To this day, the case remains
unsolved. Twenty years later, distant relative James inherits the Yang
house, moving in with his girlfriend Yo, a dancer who aspires to study in
the U.S. To celebrate the engagement, they invite their friends, Yi-Chen
and Ah-Tseng, to their new home and stay the night. As supernatural events
begin to take place, James and Yo discover the eccentricities of the house.
Regisseur: Leste Chen
Genre/Thema: World Cinema Horror Tonformat: in der Originalsprache mit englischen Untertiteln Bildformat: Widescreen Untertitel: in der Originalsprache mit englischen Untertiteln
Ländercode: 2
Altersklasse: 18
Bestellnummer: YUME010
Preis: 31.- CHF
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