A delightful 1980 live recording of Mozart`s irresistibly comic ´Turkish´ opera staged by veteran producer August Everding at Munich`s National Theatre. Musical Director of this new production was Karl Böhm, who once again enraptured listeners with his ´unbelievably subtle reading of Mozart`s score, enchanting elastiv and wonderful buoyant´, as the press wrote after the premiere. Joining them was an ensemble of superb Mozartians - Gruberova, Grist, Araiza and Talvela - who elicited sustained ovations from the Bavarian State Opera audience after every performance of this bubblingly high-spirited ´Abduction´.
Selim - Thomas Holtzmann
Belmonte - Francisco Araiza
Konstanze - Edita Gruberova
Blonde - Reri Grist
Pedrillo - Norbert Orth
Osmin - Martti Talvela
Chor der Bayerischen Staatsoper
Chorus Master: Josef Beischer
Orchester der Bayerischen Staatsoper
Conductor: Karl Böhm
Staged by August Everding
Regisseur: Karlheinz Hundorf
Genre/Thema: Musik, Klassik Tonformat: PCM Stereo: Deutsch; DTS 5.1: Deutsch Bildformat: 4:3 Untertitel: DEU, ENG, SPA, CHI, FRA
Ländercode: 0
Altersklasse: 6
Vertrieb: Universal Music
Bestellnummer: jk177012
Laufzeit: ca. 146 Min.
Preis: 36.- CHF
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