

A routine trick at a man`s apartment propels a cynical hustler into a series of strange and life-changing encounters in this stunningly photographed drama from San Francisco-based Joseph Graham. Tall and lanky with a mop of unruly dark hair, the young man makes for an attractive prostitute – handsome in body, amiable in personality and efficient in sex. He`s just out to make a buck, one guy at a time. But this coldly efficient rent boy begins to look at himself in a different way one stormy night when he finds himself lost in a maze-like apartment building. The evening begins with a tryst with a beefy but timid man unused to gay sex. Their ´session´ becomes surprisingly tender for both. But time is money, and he`s off – that is, he`d be off if he could find the exit. His unexpected odyssey leads him to a series of encounters: there is one with a ´straight´ guy with issues; a cocaine-fueled queen who thinks he knows him; an older man, hidden away in a leaky attic apartment who assists him on his journey; and a lonely young man who thinks he`s finally found a connection with someone. Sex is the commonality, but out of that commodity comes raw, unguarded emotions for all, even for the hustler. Sad, funny, sexy and touching, Strapped is an unforgettable look into one young man’s moving journey to understanding.

Making of;
Interview mit Ben Bonenfant;
Original Trailer;

Regisseur: Joseph Graham
Schauspieler: Ben Bonenfant, Nick Frangione, Paul Guerrier, Carlo D`Amore, Raphael Barker, Artem Mishin, Michael Klinger

Genre/Thema: Unterhaltung, Drama, Gay
Tonformat: DD 2.0: Englisch; DD 5.1: Englisch Dolby Surround
Bildformat: 16:9 1,78:1
Untertitel: DEU
Ländercode: 0
Altersklasse: 16
Vertrieb: Pro-Fun Media
Bestellnummer: jk332660
Laufzeit: ca. 95 Min.
Preis: 22.- CHF

STRAPPED  (OMU) - Joseph Graham

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