Lomo Diana-mini-white


Diana Mini Flash - Weiss | Diana Mini Flash - Schwarz - Petite Noire | Diana Mini Flash - Pink - En Rose | Lomo Hauptseite

Lomography Diana Mini Kamera - Weiss


Was ist denn hier los?

Die heiss geliebte Diana+ ist tatsächlich geschrumpft. Unglaublich leicht und handlich gibt es nun die kleine Schwester - Diana Mini - jetzt mit Standardfilm. Also, 35mm Film einlegen und ganz normal entwickeln lassen.
Die unverwechselbare Ästhetik der Diana ist natürlich geblieben.

Plus: Zwei neue, supertolle Bildformate!

Hier kommt der besondere Leckerbissen: Fotografieren im lässigen Square Format oder doppelt gemoppelt mit Double Frame. Also doppelt so viele Bilder. Ohne Witz. Und das alles im klassischen Kleinbildformat.

Der Diana Blitz funktioniert auch mit der Diana Mini!

Jetzt auch in weiss.

Bestellnummer: DIAN-hp500-white


(inkl. MWST)

Gleich das passende Case dazu bestellen:
Diana Mini Case (Schwarz)

Die anderen Diana Mini Modelle:
Lomography Diana Mini Flash Kamera - Pink - En Rose Lomography Diana Mini Flash Kamera - Schwarz - Petite Noire Lomography Diana Mini Flash Kamera - Weiss

Diana Mini Diagram

Loading the film

Turn the rear door switch [1] to open and slide the rear door off.

Move the pressure plate [2] down and put the new 35mm film into the left hand side.

Pull the film towards the clip on the take up spool [3] and clip on.

Turn the advance wheel [4] anticlockwise a little to make the film move up to the yellow mark.

Check that the film sprockets are aligned with the sprocket gear spool [5] and then close the movable film plate [2]

Slide the rear door back on. You may need to move the rewind lever [6] left and right a little to make sure it aligns with the film so that the rear door locks properly.

Turn the rear door switch [1] to close and wind the advance wheel [4] anticlockwise until it stops.

Before taking a photo

Set focus distance. Choose from 0.6m, 1-2m, 2-4m and infinity by turning the lens [7] clockwise and anticlockwise and matching the marker to the desired focus distance.

Set the aperture. Depending on the weather switch the aperture [8] to either sunny (F/11) or cloudy (F/8).

Select shutter mode. Make sure the shutter switch [9] is set to the correct position. For daytime shots position the switch to 'N'. For long exposures or nighttime shots select 'B'.

Choose the frame format. Slide the frame switch [10] to either rectangular half-frames (72 photos on one roll) or square (36 photos on one roll). If the switch doesn't move don't force it. Take a photo with the lens covered and then you will be able to change frame mode.

Start Shooting!

Now that the focus, aperture, shutter speed and frame mode are all set you're ready to go! Actually, no, wait! Keep the lens cap on and shoot three or four frames first. This way the photo lab will know when the first frame starts. Now you really are ready!

Rewinding the film

When you have finished the film, hold down the rewind button [14], release the arm from the rewind spool [6] and turn it in the direction of the arrow until the film is fully rewound (you should hear it unclip from the sprocket gear spool).

Technical Specification

  • Film Type: 35mm film
  • Lens: 24mm (Square Format: 30mm equivalent, Half Frame format: 35mm equivalent)
  • Diagonal View Angles: 70° 62°
  • Focusing: 0.6m-inf.
  • Frame Format: 24mm x 24mm & 24mm x 17mm (select on body)
  • Shutter Speed: 1/60, Bulb (N, B)
  • Aperture: f8, f11 (cloudy, sunny)
  • Flash Attachment: via Diana Flash Plug (flash not included)
  • View Finder: built in
  • Film Counter Type: frame accumulate type
  • Multi- exposure: yes
  • Film stopping: yes
  • Cable Release: yes
  • Tripod Mount: yes
  • Dimension: 70mm x 101mm x 60mm
Ein paar Beispiele:

Diana Mini

Diana Mini

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Diana Mini

Diana Mini

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